In the book “The UnStoppables: Tapping Your Entrepreneurial Power,” author Bill Schley writes, “The core of any business, the original heart and soul that first allowed you to succeed with customers, never really changes for companies that stay vibrant and relevant, no matter how big they get. Inside that billion-dollar corporation, the value equation you first discovered is just as simple — and most important, it needs to be, if you want to keep going and growing. The selling proposition that made them choose to buy from you — the values, the dream, the reason the market needed you — is the foundation of it all.”
The challenge billion-dollar corporations face with connecting back to the original value equation is that the corporate message has become lost amongst the masses. The original promise to customers has become inconsistent and fragmented.
As few as 27 percent of CMOs are confident their teams are on message. And with as much as 70 percent of brand perception being driven by employees, the disparity between the number of employees who are on message and the high percentage of brand perception being driven by employees the customer experience disconnect becomes immediately obvious. If employees are not delivering a consistent message, customers become confused as they travel throughout the customer journey, and your bottom line is negatively impacted.
Now more than ever, CMOs must demonstrate how marketing positively impacts the bottom line. By developing a clear, compelling and consistent corporate message and infusing that message throughout the customer experience via organizational change programs, sales enablement initiatives, content development and brand integration, you can truly accelerate business growth.
CMOs … 2015 is the year to rediscover the original heart, soul, story and promise that inspired the founding of your company from the very beginning. This is the year to ensure that story is told consistently both inside and outside of your organization.
Discover the single thing you must do to achieve a higher return on every sales and marketing investment you make in the new year here.