In the age of the customer, the single most important thing CMOs should be thinking about is their corporate messaging and how effectively it is infused throughout the customer journey. In the B2B landscape all roads lead back to the customer, which means the role of marketing no longer lives exclusively in the marketing department, but rather in every area of the business. Because of this, the CMO has purview of all functional areas of the business, which is why chief marketers are now second only to CFOs in the influence they exert over the CEO.
Because all roads lead back to the customer, it is essential that all employees are utilizing common messaging, and if you do not have a corporate messaging platform and have not infused that platform throughout your company through organizational change programs, internal training, education and communication programs, then you can be certain your employees are not sharing a consistent corporate message, causing confusion within your target market.
Why is a Corporate Messaging Platform important? A Corporate Messaging Platform provides business leaders with a comprehensive messaging framework to drive clear, compelling and consistent communication both inside and outside of the organization. The Corporate Messaging Platform increases employee engagement by arming individuals with the resources they need to stay on message in critical business situations. It goes far beyond a single marketing document by providing a broad range of actionable messaging content and tools for executives, sales, customer service, HR and every other team within your organization. When paired with an organizational change program, a Corporate Messaging Platform empowers all employees to become brand evangelists by ensuring they are well positioned to have compelling customer conversations.
Understand the severity of corporate messaging fragmentation and inconsistency across your organization with this corporate messaging assessment.