“A Messaging Architecture captures your story in simple, repeatable building blocks so every employee can remember the core messages that must be brought to life in the customer experience.”
— James O’Gara, CEO at OnMessage
Steve Jobs was an avid believer in the power of simplicity. He knew that simplicity exponentially increased clarity. This premise is the basis for our approach to constructing Messaging Architectures for our clients. A Messaging Architecture is a basic, yet powerful tool that distills your story into simple, repeatable building blocks that every employee can clearly understand and articulate in daily conversations and communication.
Below are the core building blocks in a Messaging Architecture:
Who We Are — Clearly Defines Your Space
Position We Want to Own — Captures the Unique and Ownable Position You Want to Own in the Mind of the Buyer
What We Do — Describes Your Core Capabilities / Offerings
Value We Deliver — Crystallizes Your Core Value Proposition into Three Memorable Messages
What Makes Us Different — Differentiates You from Status Quo and Competition
These building block serve as the foundational elements of a clear, consistent and repeatable corporate story that everyone in your organization can share. Think of each element in the Messaging Architecture as an accordion. You are able to expand on each building block to share a deeper, more detailed version of your story depending on your specific situation or audience. The architecture is also used to construct your Messaging Platform (complete corporate narrative).
Below is an example of a Messaging Architecture OnMessage built for an enterprise software company that targets C-suite executives:
The power of a Messaging Architecture lies in its simplicity. Yet, most companies do not invest the time and apply the discipline required to crystallize the intentional words that serve as the building blocks of a consistent, repeatable story.
However, companies that do — and provide employees with adequate training and education — establish a clear competitive advantage in the customer experience.
In fact, according to McKinsey, the number one trait of companies that deliver a superior customer experience — is their ability to articulate a clear, consistent corporate message.
Would you like to learn more about the power of a Messaging Architecture and how it can help your business accelerate growth? Schedule a briefing with one of our experts today..
That’s Your OnMessage Minute.