Consumer beliefs and behaviors are changing fast. Companies should therefore ensure that all their brand communications are attuned to buyer sentiment.
— McKinsey

With all that has changed in the past year — it is time for you to stop down and recapture the voice of your customer (buyer).

It’s time to realign your story with their current mindset, buying behavior and priorities. If you don’t, you will waste valuable sales and marketing dollars in the year ahead. How do you accomplish this? Well, McKinsey says …

Companies must conduct primary consumer-insights work, with a focus on identifying changed behaviors and associated changed beliefs and motivators to get a comprehensive picture of the changing consumer decision journey.

To make this happen and reconnect with your buyer, you need to engage a third-party expert to help you implement a formal process that includes:

  • Redefining what your ideal buyers look like
  • Building a list of existing customers and prospects that fit that profile
  • Shaping intentional discovery questions
  • Conducting one-on-one, in-depth discovery interviews with those buyers

Once that discovery process is complete, your partner can help you craft new messaging that more clearly aligns your corporate story with current buyer requirements. The anchors of your new story should take the form of a Messaging Architecture that includes your:

  • Purpose
  • Mission and Vision
  • Positioning
  • Key Points of Difference
  • Value Proposition

With a more meaningful and relevant Messaging Architecture in place, you must now ensure everyone is sharing the same story. This will require formal education and training for customer-facing employees, new sales enablement tools and demand generation programs that are used to fuel growth.

You can’t afford to share a story in 2021 that no longer resonates with your buyers’ mindset.

That’s Your OnMessage Minute.


At OnMessage, we help leadership teams capture the true, authentic voice of their customer and translate those insights into clear, compelling and consistent messaging that resonates with buyers. Speak to one of our experts to learn how we can help your business today.