

In the chaotic business world we operate in today, organizational clarity and alignment doesn’t happen by chance. In his book, James shares how executive teams at high-growth companies leverage clarity and alignment to drive optimal business performance and deliver a superior customer experience.

Increase Organizational Clarity, Alignment & Performance
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“A must read for any executive aspiring to establish differentiation in the market and elevate organizational performance.”

Mike Minchew, Global Sales & Marketing Enablement at DXC Technology

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Separate Your Company From The Pack with Continuity and Consistency.

Today, prospects and customers expect continuity and consistency in your story throughout their journey with your company. The only way to ensure this occurs is to develop and infuse a clear, compelling and consistent corporate message inside and outside of your organization. No wonder a recent McKinsey study [...]

Knowledge is Nothing Without Action.

We have been sending out the OnMessage Minute every week for more than two decades. It’s no wonder every time we speak with business leaders they share how much they value the expertise we impart through this communication vehicle. We consistently hear things like ... “I really enjoy [...]

Are You Winning or Losing More Than Your Competitors? Why?

Employees are the most untapped and underutilized communications channel utilized in the customer experience. We say this based on 20 years of experience. Seeing firsthand, the disconnect between the corporate story being shared through marketing channels and the story being shared by employees across the organization. The [...]

Clarity. Employees Crave It. Customers Demand It.

Without question, the number one priority for every business is to establish and maintain ... clarity. Clarity in purpose.Clarity in strategy.Clarity in culture.Clarity in story.Employees crave it. Customers demand it.Yet, we see many executive teams paying little attention to these dimensions of organizational performance. In fact, more often than [...]

Messaging Strategies That Deliver Desired Business Outcomes.

Many executives are perplexed when their message doesn’t translate into action. They are dumbfounded by the lack of “retention” that exists up and down their organization. Most executives feel like they have communicated the same message over and over again … and it still does not translate into the [...]


Below are thought leadership and educational articles written by OnMessage. These articles often appear in CEO Communicator Magazine, the digital publication for C-suite executives and business leaders who aspire to achieve excellence in communications.

If You’re Going Through a Merger or Acquisition, You Better Have a Clear Story.

A company’s M&A integration story is usually crystal clear to executives. And for good reason. Months leading up to an M&A transaction, the entire executive team eats, sleeps and dreams about the transaction and the implications associated with it. They are well-versed in the strategic rationale, business value, cultural implications [...]

Changes Every Executive Must Contend with to Win in the Experience Economy.

Some significant changes have been taking place in customer buying behavior, the sales process, marketing strategies, self-service technologies and communication channels. All of which have changed the way companies must go about engaging and converting prospects into customers. As a business leader, it’s always a good idea to stop [...]

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And We Earn It Every Day

Trusted Advisor to 100s of C-Suite Executives
500+ B2B Mid-Market and Fortune 1000 Companies Served
600+ Strategic Messaging Engagements Delivered
+250 Successful Product Messaging/Positioning Platforms Developed
75+ Years of Combined M&A Communication & Integration Experience
50+ Years of Combined Organizational Communications Expertise
20 Years of Consistently Exceeding Client Requirements

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About OnMessage

OnMessage is the B2B communications consultancy executives call when it counts. When strategic shifts in the business take place, when financial performance is on the line and when the message absolutely must deliver material business results.

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