Savvy marketers understand creating a customer-centric online experience that allows for one-to-one communication is paramount to creating a compelling online customer journey. To accomplish this, much of their focus and resources are committed to engaging customers through the many online channels and on the many devices that customers use. And with the diminishing effectiveness of advertising, this is certainly the smart approach.
If implemented effectively, these online experiences eventually lead to an offline experience. This is the moment you have been waiting for. Yet, if you are like many marketers, this is also the moment you are least prepared for. With so much focus being placed on the online experience, marketers have forgotten the most important channel in their omni-channel strategy — their employees.
Just as your online customer journey should be founded in your Corporate Messaging Platform, which documents your brand positioning, key points of difference and the value your business brings to your customers, your offline customer journey should as well.
Arming your employees with corporate messaging training and organizational change programs so that they are able to seamlessly pick up where the online journey ends is the single most important way to ensure your customers experience a consistent and compelling journey at every stage of the buying cycle.
With 57 percent of the customer journey occurring online, your online channels are certainly paramount to the customer experience, but if that experience is not seamless at the point at which your employees pick up the “communication baton,” then all your effort will be for naught.
Ensure your customer journey is cohesive throughout the buying cycle because no one likes hitting dead ends.
Download this quick read to learn how organizational change and corporate messaging training programs can improve your customer experience and bottom line.