A recent Gallup poll found that only 41 percent of employees understand what their companies stand for and what differentiates them from the competition. The impact of this statistic is alarming. If more than half of your employees do not understand the value you deliver and your key points of difference, then the messages they convey to your customers will be based on what they assume to be true about your business and not what they know to be true about your business.
According to Enterprise IG, 70 percent of customers’ brand perception is determined by conversations with employees. With customers and potential customers accessing information about your organization via numerous channels, the need for clear, compelling and consistent corporate messaging is critical. In fact, statistics published in the Harvard Business Review indicate that companies that excel in delivering a consistent message throughout the customer journey can increase revenue growth by 10-15 percent and lower costs by 15-20 percent.
To empower your employees to bring your corporate message to life throughout every stage of the buying journey, companies must invest in organizational change programs that are designed to ensure every employee understands who you are, what you do and the value you deliver to your customers.
When employees understand the importance of corporate messaging and how to incorporate it into their daily activities, it’s not about changing what they do; it’s about improving how they talk about the company as a whole and treating each customer interaction as an opportunity to share how you are unique and better than your competition.
Organizational change programs strengthen the customer experience, differentiate your company and cultivate lasting change that pays impressive long-term dividends.
Download this quick read to learn how organizational change and corporate messaging training programs can improve your customer experience and bottom line.