According to a Forrester Research report, improving the customer experience is a strategic priority for 73 percent of companies surveyed. Accelerating business growth is also a top priority for business leaders, and these two initiatives go hand-in-hand. To achieve growth, companies must create a customer experience that builds trust and nurtures loyalty with their customers. And a critical component for building trust and loyalty is consistency — consistency in the message prospects and customers consume throughout the customer experience.
Consistency is so important that a recent McKinsey & Company report found the number one trait of companies that deliver a superior customer experience is the ability to deliver a consistent corporate message. That is why more executives are recognizing the strategic importance of a Corporate Messaging Platform.
What is a Messaging Platform? A Messaging Platform drives clear, compelling and consistent messaging inside and outside of your organization. It starts with a Messaging Architecture that clearly defines who you are, what you do, the value you deliver and the key reasons to believe. The Platform then packages the entire corporate story into a broad range of actionable tools, including long-form messaging, an elevator pitch, boilerplate copy, FAQs and social media profile messaging. With a strategic Messaging Platform in place, organizations can infuse consistent messaging into their company, culture and customers, ultimately achieving a higher return on every connection they make throughout the customer experience.
If delivering a superior customer experience is at the top of your priority list, make sure clear, compelling and consistent corporate messaging is part of your game plan.
Download this quick read to learn how you can accelerate business growth with messaging continuity throughout the customer experience.