Your marketing message, technology and channels all go hand-in-hand.
One fuels the success of the other.
To maximize your return on investment from each, you may need to reassess and rebalance your investment priorities and initiatives. Why? Because the time, resources and dollars that companies are investing in each of these areas has gotten out of whack.
And your go-to-market message is getting the shaft.
Much the way technology and demand-generation investments cannot be ignored — the investment required to sharpen and strengthen your foundational message cannot be ignored either.
Today, more than ever, companies must make messaging research, validation, development and management a priority. Otherwise, all of the learning, investments and resources they are pouring into technology and new media channels will be for naught.
We want to stress that marketers absolutely must leverage technology and new channels to optimize audience engagement. However, the investment pendulum has swung so far in this direction that disciplined messaging development and management has fallen off the radar.
Ask yourself, and be honest, how much of your time and your team’s time has been spent researching, validating and strengthening your core messaging?
Now, ask yourself how much time you have spent investigating and implementing new technology solutions or experimenting with new media platforms and channels?
It’s time to bring strategic messaging development back to the forefront of marketing.
It’s time that you invest resources and dollars into the fuel (foundational messaging) that will make your technology and channel investments pay dividends.
To do this, you must take a step back. Regain your equilibrium and strike the proper balance between your messaging development and demand-generation investments. When this happens, your message will stand out, your technology investments will reap rewards, your channels will perform at higher levels and your business will flourish.